
Check here for Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia’s latest publications including policy papers and research.

CRSA/CRISP Overview Booklet

CRSA/CRISP Overview Booklet

Our flagship program, the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot (CRISP), was designed and delivered by CRSA in partnership with the Australian government following a co-design process in 2022. Groups of five or more everyday people are empowered to be the...

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Annual Report 2022-23

2022-23 was an incredibly important and momentous year for CRSA - a year in which we were able to clearly demonstrate the power and viability of the community sponsorship model in Australia. Having...

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Annual Report 2021-22

2021-22 was a very significant year in the journey of Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA) and its mission. Having only become established as an independent entity in late December 2020,...

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CRISP Exit Planning Toolkit

This CRISP Exit Planning Toolkit is designed to assist Community Supporter Groups (CSGs) to enable a smooth transition for the refugee household they’re supporting into the mainstream service sector...

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