Training for community groups

We have developed a comprehensive training package for community groups looking to offer practical support to refugee households in their local communities, based on a training package originally developed by international community sponsorship experts.

Drawing from internationally recognised modules developed by our colleagues at the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative, we have developed a comprehensive training package adapted for an Australian context to help prepare community groups to support newly-arrived refugees in their communities.

Over a series of self-paced and group learning modules, the training provides an opportunity for community groups to learn about:

  • The Global Community Sponsorship movement and its guiding principles including
    • Managing expectations
    • Considering culture
    • Considering power and agency
    • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Refugee experiences
  • Roles and responsibilities of community groups, refugee newcomers, and other stakeholders in the ecosystem
  • Group dynamics and communication
  • Working from a strengths-based and trauma-informed perspective

Upcoming training dates – 2024


May June July August September October November December

Wednesday 1st:

6pm – 9pm

Wednesday 12th: 

6pm – 9pm

Wednesday 3rd: 

6pm – 9pm

Wednesday 7th: 

6pm – 9pm

Wednesday 4th: 

6pm – 9pm 

Wednesday 2nd: 

6pm – 9pm

Wednesday 6th: 

6pm – 9pm

Wednesday 4th: 

6pm – 9pm

Saturday 18th:

10am – 1pm

Saturday 15th:

10am – 1pm

Saturday 13th:

10am – 1pm

Saturday 17th:

10am – 1pm

Saturday 14th:

10am – 1pm

Saturday 12th:

10am – 1pm

Saturday 16h:

10am – 1p

Wednesday 11th:

2pm – 5pm

Thursday 30th:

2pm – 5pm

Thursday 27th: 

6pm – 9pm

Thursday 25th: 

2pm – 5pm

Thursday 29th: 

6pm – 9pm

Thursday 26th: 

2pm – 5pm

Thursday 31st: 

6pm – 9pm 

Thursday 28th: 

2pm – 5pm

Saturday 14th: 

10am – 1pm

Please note:

  • All times are in AEST/AEDT (Melb/Syd/Can time)
  • All training sessions will be held online via Zoom
  • CRSA may cancel published sessions subject to registration numbers

Once we have received your intention to apply and as your group is screened, you will be invited to attend mandatory training to progress to the next stage of the program. This includes completing two self-paced modules on our LMS (learning management system) and attending one workshop as a group on Zoom (see dates above).

We hold training sessions to prepare groups for matching with refugee households on a regular basis. We ask that all group members attend the same session together as a group, so please discuss this with the rest of your group before registering for training.

Registration details and other relevant training information will be shared with you in due course as your application progresses.

National community of practice and ‘top up’ training

Community groups engaged with CRSA’s programs are invited to become part of a national community of practice that links them with similar groups around the country and overseas. This national network is a space for group members to share, learn and support one another as they support others. Additional ‘top up’ training is offered throughout the year on topics of particular interest facilitated by CRSA and external experts via:

  • Online peer forums (one per month)
  • Online Community Hub (Zoho Connect)
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Other ad hoc opportunities

Some of the topics covered through ‘top up’ training include:

  • Supporting people who have experienced torture and trauma
  • Recognising and responding to domestic and family violence
  • How to navigate various government agencies and service providers
  • How to work with interpreters

2024 Peer Forum and top up training topics

  • Refugee status determination and selection processes – UNHCR and Department of Home Affairs
  • Refugee Health
  • Empowerment, Agency and Goal Setting
  • Money: Group and household budgeting
  • Workshop: Asset Based Community Development
  • Working with and supporting children and young people
  • Group Dynamics: getting the most out of your group
  • SETS and exit planning
  • Employment and education pathways
  • Services Australia

Please note:

  • Only those engaged in CRSA’s programs will be invited to attend peer forums and top-up training activities
  • Registration to attend a session will be shared via the community of practice newsletters and Community Hub 
  • CRSA may cancel or reschedule published topics if necessary