At the core of community refugee sponsorship models around the world is an understanding of Community Supporter Groups as independent, self-directed, self-governed and trusted knowledge holders in their own regions. Thus this Guidebook is not intended to be prescriptive, but to support CSGs to take a holistic approach to settlement planning for their matched refugee household.
This Settlement Guidebook has four parts:
- Chapter One: Introduction provides the foundational concepts of community sponsorship and the broad policy guidelines for the CRISP.
- Chapter Two: Settlement Planning is designed to assist Community Supporter Groups (CSGs) to develop a Settlement Plan for the Refugee Household they welcome.
- Chapter Three: Possible Challenges explores some common challenges and outlines the support CRSA provides to CSGs, and how CSGs are encouraged to respond in a range of potentially challenging circumstances.
- Chapter Four: Appendices includes additional information on ideas introduced throughout the Settlement Guidebook. The appendices can also be read alone to better understand some of the foundational concepts that underpin the CRISP.
Download: CRISP Settlement Guidebook.pdf (687KB)