At the core of community refugee sponsorship models around the world is an understanding of Community Supporter Groups as independent, self-directed, self-governed and trusted knowledge holders in their own regions. Thus this Guidebook is not intended to be prescriptive, but to support CSGs to take a holistic approach to settlement planning for their matched refugee household.
This Settlement Guidebook has four parts:
- Chapter One: Introduction – Provides the foundational concepts of community sponsorship and the broad policy guidelines for the CRISP.
- Chapter Two: Settlement Planning – Assists Community Supporter Groups (CSGs) to develop a Settlement Plan for the Refugee Household they welcome.
- Chapter Three: Possible Challenges – Explores some common challenges and outlines the support CRSA provides to CSGs, and how CSGs are encouraged to respond in a range of potentially challenging circumstances.
- Chapter Four: Appendices – Includes additional information on ideas introduced throughout the Settlement Guidebook. The appendices can also be read to better understand some of the foundational concepts that underpin the CRISP.
Download: CRISP Settlement Guidebook.pdf (905KB)