Fundraising Q&A

by | Posted to: Events | Tags: , , Date: September 5, 2024 Start time: 1:00 pm Location: via Zoom

Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association (ANHCA) has partnered with CRSA to support communities with their fundraising efforts for the CRISP by providing access to the Shout for Good. Getting involved in the CRISP fosters ANHCA’s vision for building strong local communities.

Using the ‘Shout for Good’ platform is a convenient way for CSGs to collect donations in one place and as ANHCA is named at law with Deductible Gift Recipient status, when fundraising through this e-platform, a tax-deductible receipt will be issued to donors even if CSG is not an incorporated entity or a registered charity.

ANHCA warmly welcomes you to join a monthly Q&A session to assist you with any queries you might have about fundraising with Shout for Good.

Held via Zoom on the first Thursday of every month, from 1pm AEST.



Visit ANHCA’s website for more information, including their fundraising guidebook.

*Please note that this session is for Australian-based community groups who are looking to welcome and support a refugee household unknown to them, referred to the program by UNHCR via the Australian Department of Home Affairs. If you overseas and seeking asylum, or based in Australia and looking to support someone already known to you, please see our FAQ page for more information.