Refugee Week 2024: Celebrating Freedom and New Connections

by | Posted to: Past Events | Tags: , , , Held on: June 21, 2024 Started: 1:00 pm Ended: 2:00 pm Location: Online via Zoom

Please note: this is an archived page for a past event. Links and other content may be out of date. For current events, please view our events page.

We are excited to invite you to our Refugee Week 2024 event “From Strangers to Family: A Celebration of Freedom and New Connections”. This enriching online gathering will take place:

via Zoom, Friday 21 June 2024

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM AEST (Melb/Syd time)

This year’s Refugee Week theme, ‘Finding Freedom: Family’ poignantly highlights the journeys of refugees who seek freedom but often face the profound isolation of being separated from their loved ones and communities. Community sponsorship programs like CRISP have the power to transform these journeys.

Event highlights will include:

  • Personal reflections from a refugee newcomer who arrived in Australia through the CRISP, and one of their local supporters
  • Comments from The Hon. Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs
  • Global and local updates on refugee issues and the achievements and future of the Australian community sponsorship movement from CRSA and UNHCR
  • The conclusion of our 100 groups/100 days campaign

This event showcases the powerful impact of new connections on the lives of refugee newcomers and the communities that welcome them, underscoring the critical role of both biological and chosen families in their journeys towards freedom and belonging. We aim to inspire and motivate further community involvement in practical support for refugee newcomers as well as advocacy for future programs and policies.

Please register to secure your spot via the link below and feel free to share this invitation with your networks.