We’re proud of the community efforts that went into helping achieve 79 community supporter group commitments during the ‘100 groups in 100 days’ campaign. 

Our mission to foster more diverse, inclusive communities through community sponsorship continues. The CRSA team has made the decision to extend the date for our final tally to 31 August.  Get involved and help us get to 100!

Finding others to form a mentor group

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Posted to: News, Updates | Tags: ,

If you’re wanting to be part of a mentor group but have run out of ideas in terms of finding others in your community who want to do the same, you can find like-minded individuals using the ‘Form a local group’ Facebook group that CRSA has set up for this purpose.

Please note this is a public page.  We encourage you to use the ‘Direct Messages’ platform to share personal contact details with others who you may like to connect with. 

View and join the Facebook group.