We’re proud of the community efforts that went into helping achieve 79 community supporter group commitments during the ‘100 groups in 100 days’ campaign. 

Our mission to foster more diverse, inclusive communities through community sponsorship continues. The CRSA team has made the decision to extend the date for our final tally to 31 August.  Get involved and help us get to 100!

ANU Article ‘Why resettling refugees should be a community effort’

by | Aug 30, 2024 | Posted to: News | Tags: , , , , Originally published by: ANU

Associate Professor Sally Baker writes on why resettling refugees should be a community effort and how this benefits Australia, particularly in regional areas. The ANU article touches on several complementary pathways in Australia, including the CRISP program, and how community involvement is the key to refugee labour mobility and independence.

Click the link below to read Baker’s thoughts for the ANU Centre of Social Policy Research.



Read the article here